
Foot Massage

Foot massage has been around for hundreds of years, and spans many cultures. It’s frequently been used to improve health and relax the body.There are many potential benefits to foot massage, including:A sense of balance and wellbeing and Better circulation &A drop in cortisol

Deep Tissue Massge

Deep tissue massage targets the inner layers of your muscles and tendons. This type of massage usually consists of similar techniques as Swedish massage, but much firmer pressure is applied. Deep tissue massage is meant to reach deeper into the muscle tissue, which can provide relief by releasing contracted muscles in the body, but may cause some soreness in the days following the service.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone meridian massage utilizes the direction of the bladder meridian of the body, and uses hot stones for rolling massage. The heat energy guides the plant essential oil into the deepest layer of the epidermis. The high temperature speeds up the blood circulation of the whole body, quickly promotes metabolism, removes blockages in the body, and makes the meridians of the whole body unblocked. Feet feel comfortable and warm.

Essential Oil Massage

Essential Oil massage refers to essential oils. The massage oil contains base oil and massage oil prepared with essential oils and is applied to the required parts for massage. By massaging the body, you can relax your mind and relieve stress. Local massage can also lose weight. Through the stimulation of massage and acupoints, after the essential oil penetrates into the skin, it can dredge the lymphatic tissue, eliminate accumulated toxins, help break down fat, and also eliminate excess water in the body. In addition, facial massage can achieve the effect of beauty, promote local blood circulation, promote cell regeneration, and restore skin elasticity. Nourishes the skin and relieves stress.

Salt bath

1. Remove the aging keratin and chemical residues of the skin, which can make the skin appear delicate and smooth. 2. While exfoliating, it can remove the melanin on the surface of the skin, eliminate the oil blocked in the hair follicles, and make the skin healthy and shiny. 3. Exfoliating can also promote skin microcirculation and make the skin fresh. 4. The massage cream can dissolve the aging keratin on the surface of the skin, has a mild friction effect, removes the aging keratin of the epidermis and the coalesced oil, and improves the skin environment.

Walking back and kneeling on the back

It can relax the muscles and improve the bones, especially the prevention and treatment of skeletal deformities. The human body's ability to bear, an adult man can bear the pressure of nearly 300 pounds. It can promote blood circulation. Many chronic diseases, especially muscle soreness, are caused by poor blood flow, which can be relieved by stepping on the back.

About Us

We're a massage therapy center owned and operated by a team of skilled, certified massage therapists. We combine a variety of targeted and highly personalized, therapeutic massage and general relaxation techniques to make sure you leave relaxed and refreshed.



Each of our therapists are educated well beyond the required training for massage therapy. Many have completed additional professional training in advanced neuromuscular therapy, sports massage, cranial-sacral therapy and more.

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We believe the true value in therapeutic massage is listening to you and tailoring a session to meet your specific needs. we're focused on creating real and positive change in your body, mind and spirit. You have our guarantee that you will leave feeling better







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We are composed of a team of professional licensed masseurs to provide you with professional massage services and add a leisure time to your busy life.


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